In Germany, you should come on study visa or chasan kate, which visa gives you quick appointment and which visa takes less money, which is the best way for long term and which visa can you get PR or nationality quickly?

Have a clear idea about which one will be better and easy for you. If you don’t even know the basics of Nasan Kate or Study Visa then it is no problem.

Basically this is a new job search visa on which you can come to Germany without any job offer. You get a one year visa and on that one year visa you have to come here and search for a job. After getting a full time job, you convert it into a work visa and then.

Have a clear idea which one will be better and easy for you? If you don’t even know the basics of a national or study visa, then there is no problem. You can download the complete PDF guide from the description of this video. Let’s start with the basics and see what this visa is. So basically this is a new job search visa on which you can come to Germany without any job offer. You get a visa for one year and on that one year visa you have to come here and search for a job. After getting a full time job, you convert it into a work visa and then

Ultimately you can also get PR and nationality on that visa. To get this visa, you have to earn six points. If you have a university degree or a vocational training program of 2 years, then you can get four points. If your English is very good, then you get one point. Similarly,

if you have professional experience of 2 years, then you can get two points. And if your age is less than 35 years, then you can get two points. Points are given, similarly there are other factors on the basis of which these points can be calculated. You will get more details from the description but I will tell you in simple words that there are total 14 points in it and you have to get at least six points in it. To tell the truth, getting these six points is not a very difficult task and many of you who are watching this video must be qualifying for it but now the question is whether one should apply for this visa or is the study visa a better choice.

So now we compare the study visa and the National Visa. Before the comparison, let me give you a short overview of the study visa of Germany. So as the name suggests, it is a study visa and every year thousands of students come to Germany to get free education. Similarly, many people from Pakistan also come. National Visa has been newly launched but the study visa is quite old and there are already many students on it and more We are also coming, let us do a comparison and out of these seven factors, first of all we look at the visa ratio, so if we talk about the visa ratio of study visa, then the visa ratio of study visa is quite good, so in this.

Let me give a short overview, so as the name suggests, it is a study visa and every year thousands of students come to Germany to get free education, similarly a lot of people from Pakistan also come, Chasan Kate has just been launched but the study visa is quite old and there are already a lot of students on it and more are also coming, let us compare and out of these seven factors, first of all we look at the visa ratio,

so if we talk about the visa ratio of the study visa, then the visa ratio of the study visa is quite good, so in this

If you submit your complete documents and prepare for the visa interview, then the visa rejection rate is very low, meaning maximum people get the visa and if we talk about Nasan Kate, to be honest we don’t know yet because now the visa interviews will start for it, it is a newly launched program, so we need to see, but the quick guess will be that it means a little less visa ratio is expected because in this if you do not know German, especially then the embassy also has to see that this is a German visa. When they go inside to search for a job, how will they get a job because

In the groups we keep seeing such messages where it is a little difficult to get a job in Germany without a German, so because of this the visa ratio is a little less than expected, but we don’t know yet, let’s see overall if we talk about the visa ratio of the study visa is good and the visa ratio of the study visa is a little less than expected, let’s talk about the visa duration next, if we talk about the study visa, then its duration depends on your study, for example if you are coming to do Masters then you get a total visa of 2 years but it is extendable

Like if you want to take 1 year or 2 years more, then that study visa is also easily extendable, in comparison to this, if we look at the study visa, its validity is 1 year, within 1 year you have to do a job, if you don’t get a job then you have to come back, although there is a small provision in the opportunity card as well There is a clause for extension but if we talk in simple words then the extension of study visa is easy and you get more duration and in Chasan Kate you get one year duration and extension is a little difficult. Let’s see the next factor which we are looking at is visa conversion.

Whether it is your study visa or opportunity card, what does the German government want? The government wants you to convert that visa into a work visa as soon as possible and start supporting their industry. When you start getting salary, they will start getting tax. So in short your opportunity card also gets converted into a work visa. Similarly your study visa also gets converted into a work visa.

So now we have considered this factor because there is a new thing here like student visa is getting converted into a work visa. So earlier we had talked about the visa duration being more in student visa. So it could mean that you come to Germany on a study visa and then if you get a job, you can get a work visa. You can convert within the first year, first semester, fourth semester, anytime, so this is a positive thing about this sector, that is why we have considered that you can go on a work visa from a student visa and you are getting more duration in it, so in this factor, the study visa is clearly the winner in which you are getting more time.

The fourth factor that we are looking at for finding a job is the total cost to apply, so if we look at the study visa and the employment visa, the cost to apply in both is almost the same, like the major expense in this is of your blog account, so the amount of the blog account of the study visa has recently increased to 11904, similarly if we look at the employment visa, it is also around 12300, so the cost is almost the same overall, there is not much difference, let us look at the next factor which is allowances and earnings, so

First of all Let us talk about study visa. Look at the study visa. The rates have been updated recently. It means that a student can now work 24 hours a week. So if we calculate it on the minimum wage, he can earn approximately this much. And if we remove the tax from it, then this much money is saved. So this is the money that comes into the student’s bank account. Similarly, if we talk about the National Visa, then under National Visa, you are allowed 20 rupees per week.

So, within that also, you should calculate the income on the minimum wage because until you get a full time professional job, you can do a part time odd job. So, overall, if we see, the earning is almost the same. There is a slight difference that a little more rates are allowed to a student and a little less on National Visa. But this is for a short duration.

When the person with an opportunity card goes on a work visa, then of course he will earn more money when he goes on full time.

Let us talk about the next important factor. What happens is the waiting time of the embassy, ​​so in case of Germany, whether you have a study visa or an opportunity card, it is very difficult to get an appointment in both cases and.

You will get the details but I will tell you in simple words that there are total 14 points in it and you have to get at least six points in it. To tell you the truth, it is not very difficult to get these six points and many of you who are watching this video must be qualifying for it but now the question is whether one should apply for this visa or is the study visa a better choice.

So now we compare the study visa and the National Visa. Before the comparison, let me give you a short overview of the study visa of Germany. So as the name suggests, it is a study visa and every year thousands of students come to Germany to get free education. Similarly, many people from Pakistan also come. National Visa has just been launched but the study visa is quite old and there are already many students on it and more are also coming.

Let us compare and out of these seven factors, first of all we look at the visa ratio. So if the visa of the study visa is less than the visa ratio, then the visa of the study visa is less than the visa ratio. Talking about the ratio, the visa ratio of study visa is quite good, so in this.

If you submit your complete documents and prepare for the visa interview, then the visa rejection rate is quite low, meaning maximum people get the visa and if we talk about the visa rate, to be honest we don’t know yet because the visa interviews will start now, this is a newly launched program, so we need to see, but the quick guess would be that it means the visa rate is a little less than expected because if you don’t know German in it, then the embassy also has to see that when they go to search for a job in Germany, how will they get a job because

In the groups we keep seeing such messages where it becomes a little difficult to get a job in Germany without German, so due to this the visa ratio is a little less than expected, but we don’t know yet, let’s see overall, if we talk, the visa ratio of study visa is good and the visa rate of the visa rate is a little low, let’s talk about the visa duration next. So if we talk about study visa, its duration depends on your studies, for example if you are coming to do masters then you get a total visa of 2 years but it is extendable

Like if you want to take 1 year or 2 years more then that study visa is also easily extendable. In comparison to this, if we look at National Visa then its validity is 1 year, within 1 year you have to do a job, if you do not get a job then you have to come back.

Although there is a small clause in the opportunity card also about extension but if we talk in simple words then the extension of study visa is easy and you get more duration and in National Visa Visa you get one year duration and extension is a bit difficult. The next factor which we are looking at is visa conversion.

Let’s see whether it is your study visa or opportunity card, what does the German government want? The government wants that you convert that visa into a work visa quickly. Their industry If you start getting support, when you start getting salary, they will start getting tax. So in short, your opportunity card also gets converted into a work visa. Similarly, your study visa also gets converted into a work visa.

So, we have considered this factor because there is a new thing here, like student visa is getting converted into a work visa. So, earlier we had talked about the duration of student visa being longer. So, it could mean that you come to Germany on a study visa and then if you get a job, you can convert it into a work visa. In the first year, in the first semester, in the fourth semester, anytime. So, this is a positive thing. That is why we have considered this sector that you can go from student visa to work visa and you are getting more duration in it. So, in this factor, the study visa is clearly the winner in which you are getting more time.

The fourth factor that we are looking at for finding a job is the total cost to apply. So if we look at the study visa and the nisan kate, the cost to apply in both is almost the same. Like the major expense in this is of your paid account. So the amount of paid account of the study visa has recently increased to Rs. 11904. Similarly, if we look at the paid account, it is also around Rs. 12300. So the overall cost is almost the same. There is not much difference. Let us look at the next factor which is allowances and earnings. So

First of all, let us talk about the study visa. Look at the study visa. The rates have recently been updated. It means that a student can now work 24 hours a week. So if we calculate it on the minimum wage, he can earn approximately this much. And if we remove the tax from it, then this much money is saved. So this is the money that comes into the student’s bank account. Similarly, if we talk about National Security, then the wages under National Security are allowed to you at 20 Rs per month, so you should calculate the minimum wage in that too because until you get a full time professional job, you can do part time odd jobs, so overall if we see,

the earning is almost the same, there is a little difference that a little more wages are allowed to the student and a little less in National Security, but this is for a short duration, when the person with an opportunity card goes on a work visa, then of course he will earn more money when he goes on full time, let us talk about the next important factor, that is the waiting time of the embassy, ​​so see in the case of Germany, whether you have a study visa or an opportunity card, it is very difficult to get an appointment in both cases and the waiting time is very long, so now we see individually in which case the waiting time is more and in which it is less, so first of all,

see what is in Pakistan, Karchi There is a consulate and the German embassy is in Islamabad.

If we talk about Karachi, the process for study visa and opportunity card in Karachi is almost the same. Appointments open at 12:00 midnight and you have to book as soon as possible, within seconds. Many people take weeks to book an appointment, but the waiting time is not that much as compared to Islamabad, which we are talking about now. If we talk about Islamabad, then it is very difficult to get an appointment for study visa there. The earliest appointment that you can get for study visa can be from few weeks to six months.

This is the case with study visa opportunity card. Its conditions are also bad. The situation of opportunity card is such that if you apply for opportunity card today, you will get your appointment after more than one year. This is also written on the Islamabad ABC website. The waiting time is very high and also this waiting time can increase in the future. there is a major increase.

This is because the job search visa which was in place of opportunity card had a waiting time of up to 2 years. Now it is more than one year. Let’s see what happens next. Overall, if we talk about it, it is difficult to get an appointment for study visa but you can get it soon if you book it smartly and strategically. Whereas if we talk about opportunity card booking, there is a long waiting time for it.

Well, let’s talk about the last factor that when will you get PR and nationality. So, the current rule of Germany is that after a legal stay of 5 years, you can apply for German nationality. So whether you come on student visa or opportunity card, the duration is the same because it is the same and it is also important that the duration of student visa also counts.

So, in both these cases, you will be able to apply for nationality at similar time. But there is a difference in PR. PR will be given soon to the person who does a job soon. After doing full time job for about 2 years you can apply for PR. So in this case if the person with opportunity card comes then of course he will go under job visa soon then he will get PR soon. Similarly when the student starts doing his full time job then after doing full time job for about 2 years he can also apply for PR.

So these were all the factors but I will tell you the conclusion quickly in 50 seconds. So the conclusion is that if you have a few years of good work experience and you have German proficiency and you are confident about your skills that you can come to Germany and get a job within a year then opportunity card is for you. You can apply for it after seeing the waiting time in the embassy.

And if this is not the case, if you do not know German, you do not have good work experience and you feel that you will not be able to get a job in a year then you can go for study visa. Because the major benefit of study visa is that you get more duration and also it is a sort of opportunity card like you come inside Germany and you have the freedom to find a job, as soon as you get a job, you get converted into a work visa, whether it is the first semester or the fourth semester, so this is a good thing that you get more duration.

Your purpose is to learn German as well as to gain work experience and to explore the German market, so in this regard, study visa is a better choice especially duration wise. So, this was all the explanation. You can download the PDF guide from the rest of the description, in which we have also discussed the very basics of how you can calculate for the opportunity card, on what basis your points are calculated, and how you can start the process for study visa. So, you can download the PDF from the description.

Thank you very much for watching this.

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